1931 – 2012
The Paul J. Orloff Memorial Veterinary Scholarship 2018 Winners have been selected. Please see the list here.
The Paul J. Orloff Memorial Veterinary Scholarship, sponsored by Metropolitan Shuttle®, is awarded to US citizens enrolled in accredited veterinary institutions and pursuing an education in veterinary medicine. This annual award is bestowed upon one DVM student per participating institution per year.
Veterinary practice no doubt has evolved since the days that Dr. Orloff last practiced in Maine at Kenebec Veterinary Service in the 1990s. A large and small animal practice, Dr. Orloff’s practice incorporated best practices and latest technologies to every extent possible.
The rapid pace of technological development is revolutionizing medicine, industry, art, politics, etc. How do you see these trends affecting the veterinary profession? How would you utilize technology to enhance the pet owner’s or the farmer’s experience? Or how do you see technological change affecting food animal medicine or companion animal medicine? If your chosen course is public health, how do you see these changes affecting that? Food safety? Biomedical research?
Currently enrolled and in good standing, or already matriculated, at a participating institution, working toward a DVM degree. Deadline for the 2019-2020 academic year is August 1, 2019
How To Apply
Students must explain in 400 words or less how, given the rapid pace of technological development in veterinary medicine, they will harness technology to effect positive change in their chosen sphere of veterinary medicine.
The Award
Metropolitan Shuttle will award $1,000 to the student with the best essay, voted on by the Metropolitan Shuttle senior management team. The money can be used for tuition, books, incidental expenses, etc. Should you have further questions, please feel free to reach out to us at: scholarships@metropolitanshuttle.com
2018 Winners
Mr. Chris Holm
Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine Class of 2021
Chris is originally from Rochester, NY. He is currently a 2nd year vet student planning to either work in a small animal general practice or pursue a specialty in radiology. In my spare time Chris enjoys playing soccer, watching the Buffalo Bills, and taking care of my snake, Vitruvius.
Ms. Erin Beasley
North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine – Class of 2019
I aspire to be a public health veterinarian and infectious disease epidemiologist. Interested in the One Health concept and zoonotic disease, I look forward to collaborating with diverse professionals and engaging in international projects.
Ms. Iris Lee Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine – Pink Semester Class of 2020
Iris is an aspiring veterinarian who loves animals of all shapes and sizes, and really hopes to work at animal shelters in the future. She adores cats, but only cares for one in her home, a handsome Himalayan mix named Lars. Also a traveler at heart, Iris loves going to visit different states and even different countries, whether it be for sightseeing, hobby conventions, or her favorite of all, for veterinary externship work.
Mr. Peter Ellis
UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine – Class of 2021
Peter is a second-year veterinary student from San Diego, CA interested in small animal general and emergency practice. One day he would like to start his own practice and is also interested in entrepreneurship in the veterinary field.
Ms. Diane Finneran
University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine – Class of 2020
Diane is a third year student at the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine. She plans to graduate in the Class of 2020. After graduation Diane plans on pursuing a career as a small animal veterinarian with a special interest in shelter and emergency medicine.
Ms. Amanda Mickelson
University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine – Class of 2021
Amanda is a second career veterinary student; excited to combine over 9 years of human healthcare operations leadership with her life-long passion for veterinary medicine.
For more information on our scholarships and other programs, visit the Metropolitan Shuttle Scholarships page.